
Use of Smart Watches at School

Thursday December 2, 2021

Amesbury Notices - 29 November 2021

Camp Week ....

Sunday November 28, 2021

Calling all Library Books and Readers

It's great having so many enthusiastic readers checking books out - we now need your help getting them checked back in as end of T...

Thursday November 25, 2021

Beach Education for Y3-4

The ākonga (students) of Year 3 & 4 will travel to Worser Bay, Seatoun on Wednesday the 1st of December for their Beach Education ...

Thursday November 25, 2021

Amesbury Notices - 22 November 2021

This week the majority of the school has Beach Education and a number of programmes are finishing for the year before camp week ne...

Sunday November 21, 2021

Beach Education for Y5-6

Students from years 5-6 will visit Worser Bay on Thursday the 25th of November for their Beach Education day.

Thursday November 18, 2021

Year 5 & 6 End of Year Activities Week

As you will be aware, we have had to make alternative arrangements for our Year 5 & 6 activities week which is happening Monday 29...

Thursday November 18, 2021

Scholastic Book Fair 2021

Coming this week but a little different with Level 2.

Thursday November 18, 2021

Amesbury Notices - 15 November 2021

Just two more weeks until it's camp week - this term is flying ....

Sunday November 14, 2021

Beach Education for Years 0-2

Students from years 0-2 will visit Worser Bay on either Tuesday 23rd or Wednesday 24th of November for their Beach Education day.

Friday November 12, 2021

Junior Swimming Sports 2021

This is a reminder that Amesbury's Junior Swimming sports is happening this Thursday (18th November) for our Year 0-3 students.

Thursday November 11, 2021

Year 3/4 Palm Grove Camp: Notice #3

Kia ora whānau, Our year 3 and 4 camp is almost here!

Thursday November 11, 2021

Amesbury Notices - 8 November 2021

We have now completed half of the term's regular teaching and learning. Three weeks to go, plus camps and other end of year "stuff...

Sunday November 7, 2021

Amesbury Notices - 1 November 2021

Wow, it's November already, but there's still lots of things still to happen before the school year finishes ....

Sunday October 31, 2021

The Wellington Breeze 'Pack the Bus' donation driv…

2021 has been a tough year for many of our whānau around Wellington. Pack the Bus is an initiative that supports Wellington City M...

Thursday October 28, 2021

Amesbury Notices - 26 October 2021

Hopefully everyone had a great first week back in Term 4. We have a shortened week this week with the Labour Day holiday Monday .....

Monday October 25, 2021

Ministry of Education photo shoot at Amesbury Scho…

A photo shoot will happen at Amesbury School on Tuesday 26th October to create learning and education photos for promotional mater...

Thursday October 21, 2021

NZ Dance Challenge

NZ Dance Challenge is a fun and exciting opportunity for students to learn, perform and share a dance routine along with other NZ ...

Thursday October 21, 2021

Made-to-order products with your child's artwork o…

Opportunity to purchase unique 2022 calendars, cards, diaries, mouse mats and blank page notebooks for sketching/journaling...

Wednesday October 20, 2021

Amesbury Notices - 18 October 2021

Tēnā koutou Amesbury whānau and welcome back for Term 4. Some events have been cancelled or re-organised but our camps and, of cou...

Sunday October 17, 2021

Amesbury Speech Competition sign up

Please see below on how to sign up for the speech competition

Sunday October 17, 2021