At Amesbury School we endeavour to provide up to date learning information on an ongoing basis throughout the year. Through our learning management system, LINC-ED Hero, parents can view the learning report of their child/ren at all times. This report shows the progress and some next steps for each child in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, and the Journey of Growth and Development (social and emotional development).
In each of these learning areas, parents can view information similar to this:
The green dials show progress across a range of indicators for each year level. A blue tick in the centre shows when all indicators at that level have been achieved. Yellow indicators show indicators that are set as goals for the student, and grey ones show indicators that have not yet been achieved or set as goals.
Clicking on each year level label will display the indicators for each level, as shown below. Again, indicators displayed in green show ones the child has already achieved, yellow indicators show ones set currently as goals, and indicators displayed in black show goals not yet achieved or set for the child.
At the bottom of each section, an overall level is indicated to show the year level the student is currently working at, and whether they are working at an ‘early’ or ‘confidence’ level in that year level.
All of this learning information is available continuously throughout the year. Each term teachers will communicate with parents about their child’s progress:
In terms 1 and 3 teachers hold student conferences, where each student and their parents meet with their whānau teacher to talk through their learning progress and current learning goals. In years 3-6, we encourage students to largely lead the conferences and do much of the talking and sharing about their learning.
In terms 2 and 4 teachers complete a summary about each child to give an overview of where they are currently at in their learning and behaviour at school. Students also write their own reflection about their time at school, and this is included in the summary. This is then added to the learning report on LINC-ED Hero.
Throughout the year, teachers and students will upload evidence of learning to each child’s portfolio on LINC-ED Hero. Parents will be notified through Hero when a learning post has been added, and parents can view the work online throughout the year.
All learning and assessment information for each child is private, and can only be viewed by the student, their parents and teachers.