Frequently Asked Questions

What years does the school cater for?

Years 1–6.


Does Amesbury School have a uniform?

Yes, we do have a uniform. Please see the 'Uniform' page under the 'Enrolment' tab on the website.

Do you take out of zone enrolments?

No, we only enrol students residing within our zone. For detailed information about our zone please see the 'School Zone' page under the 'Enrolment' tab on the website.

Do you teach any languages?

Yes, we are committed to exposing our students to a range of languages during their time at Amesbury School. We have a particular focus on students learning English, Te Reo Maori and Chinese Mandarin across all age ranges.

Do you have out of school care?

Yes, this service is offered at Amesbury School by Kelly Club. Further details about this service can be found on the Out of School Care page under the 'School Information' tab.

How do I enrol my child/ren?

You can enrol your child/ren online by going to the Enrolment page under the 'Enrolment' tab on the website. Scroll down for the Enrolment Form. You will need to fill out the form separately for each child you wish to enrol. 

How important is a student's year level at Amesbury?

Students at Amesbury School are not grouped based on their year level, but on their learning needs. We do not have year­-based classes or groups, but rather we work in two learning hubs:

Koru Hub - Years 0-3 students (including all new entrants)

Pōhutukawa Hub - Years 4-6

Students move flexibly within the hubs depending on their learning and social needs.

Our New Entrant students work together in Māwhero (pink carpet). New Entrant students will then move through to the ‘main group’ based in Karaka, Kākāriki and Kōwhai (orange, green & yellow carpet) in the Koru Hub building as they reach certain levels of social and academic readiness. This transition will be clearly communicated with parents beforehand. 

The main transition points at Amesbury: 

  • The move from Māwhero to the 'main group' based in Koru.
  • The move from Koru Hub  to Pōhutukawa Hub (this happens at the end of Year 3).
  • The move from Amesbury School to intermediate school (this happens at the end of Year 6).

At these transition points a student’s year level is important and reclassification may be considered, if necessary (see our school Student Promotion policy here). 

At other points in a student’s journey through Amesbury School their year level is not of huge importance, as they receive the learning and instruction they need based on their needs, not their year level.