In previous years we have used a learning management system called ALF (Amesbury Learning Framework). From the start of 2021, we have stopped using ALF and have moved over to Linc-Ed HERO for all of our admin and learning needs.
HERO is a robust system that allows teachers, parents, and students to access learning in an online environment that is secure, easy, and effective. It allows teachers to share learning anytime, anywhere and this can be viewed on any device. HERO is also the system we use for enrolment, finance and student attendance.
Messages and notifications: We will no longer be using our school app, as we can send out notifications via Hero. You may get notices from your child’s whānau teacher, their hub, or from the school office or John, our communications manager.
Learning report: When you click on your child’s learning profile, you will see their learning report. This is a ‘living report’, meaning it will be automatically updated as your child achieves learning goals or is issued with new goals. The report shows progress in reading, writing, mathematics, and our Journey of Growth and Development (social and emotional growth). Each key area includes ‘dials’ that show how your child is progressing through the year levels. Clicking on the year level labels will allow you to see all goals in that year level. There will be up to three goals showing in each area for your child, although they may actually have more goals set ‘behind the scenes’. At two points during the year a general comment will be added to the report to summarise your child’s progress. This will also include a reflection from your child.
Learning posts: When your child or your child’s teachers upload learning to Hero, you will be able to view the posts. Please note that all uploads learning are private,and are only viewable by teachers, the child and the child’s parents.
Financial information: You can view and pay any invoices from the school.
Please follow this link for a step by step guide to signing up to LINC-ED Hero.
We recommend having the LINC-ED Hero app on your home device/s and your phone, so that you can easily access any notifications or information sent out from school.
If you have any questions or issues about accessing LINC-ED Hero, please contact John:
Every term we will run information sessions about LINC-ED Hero, so that parents and whānau can build their understanding and use of the system. We will run different sessions, depending on whether you need to know the basics of the system, or whether you would like to access more detailed/advanced information.
Notices of these information sessions will be sent out to all families, and will be on our school events calendar.
Give your Year 5-6 child the chance to explore, learn, and grow beyond the classroom with Children’s University Massey 2025!
Action Required by 28th February – Ensure Your Child’s Access to Google Services
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