Netball starts in Term 2 and Term 3 for all kura (schools) in the Northern Suburbs. Your child can represent Amesbury School and d...
Sign up your child now for the Term 2 Miniball competition. Each team will need a parent to coach them. Please indicate on the for...
Koru swimming lessons will be held in Term 2 for eight weeks.
Sports during Term 1 ....
Smash Cricket and Nairnville Recreation Centre (3x3 Basketball & Volleyball)
Total Touch Rugby - Alex Moore Park
A huge congratulations to the Amesbury athletes who showcased their talent and skills at Nairnville Park last week.
Some excellent results at the Northern Zone athletics but excellent performances by all of our athletes.
We're thrilled to share the excitement and success of our recent Junior Swimming Carnival held at the Tawa Pool.
In Week 7 of Term 4 this year, our Year 0, 1, & 2 ākonga (students) will have the opportunity to attend some activities during the...
The Junior Swimming Carnival will be held at Tawa Pool on Monday 21st of October (Week 2).