For the safety of all students, staff and parents, Amesbury operates a drop off/pick up zone for parents dropping off and collecting students. This is a no stopping zone, and is indicated by yellow lines. At drop off and pick up times (8:30-9:10am and 2:30-3:15pm), car parks are only to be used by parents/caregivers of students in Koru Hub, or parents/caregivers with a disabled parking pass (that needs to be clearly displayed) who need to access the disabled car parks. Parking for others is available in the surrounding streets if your child is not waiting to be collected at the drop off zone, or if you need to come in to school. Please do not park on yellow lines or in mobility carparks (if you are not entitled to) and be considerate of your fellow drivers by keeping the traffic flowing around the parking loop. Koru students must be collected at the netball courts, however, other students can be collected later, as there is less congestion after 3.10pm. From time to time, staff will patrol the carpark to ensure safe practices, so please make yourself familiar with our Carpark Safety Procedure.
Please see more information on our lunch orders page. If you have any queries at all, please do not hesitate to email the school office - telephone 04 477 3423 or Contact us.
Kelly Club provide quality on-site care before school (7.15-8.30am during school term), after school care (3-6pm during school term) and provide a holiday programme out of term time.
For further details, see our Out of School Care page. Or you may wish to contact Kelly Club directly, phone 021 133 2891 or email:
School Day: 9am-3pm (Children may arrive at school after 8:30am)
Office Hours: 8.30am - 3.30pm (school term only)
Students are required to wear sunhats when outside during Terms 1 and 4. This includes during all breaks and while outside playing sport. Children without sunhats have designated shaded areas to sit in during breaks. Sunhats are $15.00 and can be purchased via the online shop.