Discos this Friday!
Do you have 20-30 minutes to help with Thursday pizza lunch orders - regularly or now and again? ...
Nominations for the two Board of Trustees vacancies close at noon on Wednesday.
Netball starts in Term 2 and Term 3 for all kura (schools) in the Northern Suburbs. Your child can represent Amesbury School and d...
Sign up your child now for the Term 2 Miniball competition. Each team will need a parent to coach them. Please indicate on the for...
Koru swimming lessons will be held in Term 2 for eight weeks.
We need your help!
Amesbury Community Gathering @ 4pm tonight.
Lots of items in the "Actions Needed' column this week ....
Nominations are open for the election of TWO parent representatives to the school board.
Give your Year 5-6 child the chance to explore, learn, and grow beyond the classroom with Children’s University Massey 2025!
Tonight's school community gathering has been POSTPONED
Amesbury School is excited to take part in Movin’ March again this year!
Warm hearts, warm winter. Please donate to our winter clothing drive.
A interesting start to Friday with a fire alarm ....
Action Required by 28th February – Ensure Your Child’s Access to Google Services
We have had reports chickenpox in Koru Hub. Here is some information on this condition...
Our first full school week coming up ....
To celebrate the start of another fantastic year, we invite our school community to come and connect together.