IT & Devices

IT Devices at Amesbury

Amesbury School uses Chromebooks as our main device for students, although we also have a range of ipads, desktops, and other devices.

All students in Harakeke Hub and Pōhutukawa Hub are provided with a named Chromebook. In Harakeke Hub students are learning to access and use a small range of learning apps and tools, and they will use devices to support some of their learning. In Pōhutukawa Hub, students use a wider range of online tools, and will use devices for more of their learning through the day. Our younger students in Koru Hub have access to pods of Chromebooks, ipads and desktops when they need them.


We do not ask parents to buy a Chromebook or device for their child to use at school - we are committed to providing all devices for our students. However, students cannot take their school Chromebooks home with them. As such, some parents prefer to purchase a personal Chromebook so that their child/ren can use the device at home. 

If you are interested in purchasing a Chromebook for your child, here is some useful information:

1) You can purchase any kind of Chromebook: they all essentially do the same job. At Amesbury we currently use ACER Chromebooks, as we have found them reliable, sturdy, and cost effective. 

2) You can purchase a Chromebook from any good electronic retail shop. 

4) If your child transports a Chromebook between locations, we strongly recommend also purchasing a sturdy carry case for the device, as bags can take a lot of knocks and bumps.

5) If you are interested in having your child bring their own Chromebook to school, rather than use a school device, this is fine. Please contact either your child’s whānau teacher or one of the IT teachers listed below, as there are several things to consider in doing this. 

If you are interested in purchasing a Chromebook, or you have further questions about devices for learning, please contact Gar Kee ( or Lisa (