
We are passionate about creating the very best learning environment for all students. As such we encourage you to make a time to come and meet with us and tell us about your child's needs and your hopes for your child's education. 

Amesbury School operates an enrolment scheme. This means children must live in our school zone in order for enrolments to be accepted, and also live in our school zone on the date children start school. You will find details on this on our Enrolment Policy. However, there are certain circumstances under which enrolment is possible prior to moving into the zone. Please check out our School Zone Page for further details.

How to Enrol

  1. The first step to enrolment is to check that you live in our school zone.
  2. If you wish, email enrol@amesbury.school.nz to arrange a time for a school tour, to meet us and to find out how learning happens at Amesbury School.
  3. Children are eligible to attend school on or after their fifth birthday. You may enrol your child anytime before they turn five years old. In order to implement an effective transition for your child it would be ideal to receive the enrolment two terms before their starting date. Enrolments after this time are still very welcome. 
  4. Complete the online Enrolment Form below.
  5. To enable us to process the enrolment, please email your child's birth certificate or passport, immunisation certificate, evidence of living in zone, and any relevant visa or residency documents to enrol@amesbury.school.nz. Alternatively, bring the documentation into the office to be copied. If you also have a photo of your child that we can use please forward that too.
  6. Upon receiving your Enrolment Form and documentation, we will email you to confirm receipt of your application, and to let you know what happens next.
  7. At least one month prior to your child starting school, we recommend that you order uniform items to ensure that they are available prior to your child's start date. We will also arrange for a uniform fitting, if required.
  8. We will contact you in the month before the starting date to organise transition to school activities. Look in the drop down menu under the enrolment tab to view the details of this on our Transition to School page. 
We look forward to working with you and your child. Please do not hesitate to phone (04 477 3423) or email us (enrol@amesbury.school.nz) with any questions you may have. We are more than happy to hear from you and to assist in any way. 

Enrolment Form

1. Click the button below to open the Enrolment Form in a new window.
2. To enable us to process the enrolment please email your child's birth certificate or passport, immunisation certificate, evidence of living in zone, and any relevant visa or residency documents to enrol@amesbury.school.nz.