Last week our ākonga displayed a wide variety of different art-forms for whānau in the Cultural Showcase - showing their learnings...
We have now confirmed our learning teams for the 2023 school year, and we have made several new appointments.
The Amesbury Cultural Showcase is on Tuesday & Thursday for those who have registered.
A rare glimpse inside the new build. It's taking shape nicely.
The Year 0-2 (including Harakeke Y2’s) tamariki (students) will enjoy a range of athletic activities at Amesbury School on Tuesday...
This is the initial information for Harakeke Hub’s EOTC week AND overnight stay at school. Included in this notice is a consent fo...
We have a busy term ahead, with lots of different events coming up. This article gives an overview of the different events and who...
We are excited to announce that we will be offering CJ'S Hangi at the community evening on Friday 18th November. CJ'S Hangi is kno...
This article contains some basic admin information for Term 4, along with details about our Module 3 inquiry and main events for t...
The end of year camps are fast approaching! We are in the process of finalising all details but wanted to give you some key inform...
Below are some activities tamariki may be interested in over the holidays.
It looks like the teachers are in need of a holiday - but a few last minute notices before they go ....
We are looking for volunteers to help us hold an incredible Book Fair!
Short last week of school for the term ....
We will be celebrating Amesbury Awesomeness Awards with students and staff.
A reminder that our Y3-6 Athletics Day will take place on Tuesday (27 September) at Newtown Park.
We warmly invite our Amesbury School whānau to join us for our Amesbury Cultural Showcase 2022. This will take place at Amesbury S...
Introducing our inaugural Churton Park Poetry Writing to all year 1-6 students from Churton Park School and Ame...
The Churton Park Clean Up Crew! Thank you Harakeke Hub for making our suburb a more pleasant place to enjoy.
We have narrowed down our finalists and are looking forward to seeing them do their best in the finals.
We have two staffing changes that will be coming up at the end of this year or the start of 2023.