What's on this week?
Year 6 Focus Meeting - this week
A reminder to all Year 6 parents of the Focus Group meeting to be held 5-6pm on Thursday (16 February) in Harakeke Hub (Mawhero - pink carpet).
You have already received an email from Urs detailing the particular areas that she wishes to hear from you on but she is also keen to hear about any other school issues that you wish to raise.
There will be a leader on duty outside around the school grounds at this time, so if you would like to bring your children to school and have them play outside while you come to the meeting, they will be supervised.
School Bike Availability at Lunchtimes
We are delighted to have the school bikes fully serviced and ready to be enjoyed by our tamariki again. Our gratitude to the Topp whānau for their time and skills in having all our push bikes safe for use again on our school grounds. The bike shed will be open every lunchtime during Term 1 and will operate on a first come first serve basis. There is a range of bike sizes to suit all our Amesbury ākonga.
Please note:
Students are also welcome to take their own bikes from home if they wish, these can be stored close to the harakeke at the drop off zone (outside reception area) and should be taken home at the end of each school day. The lower courts area can be used for scooters, roller skates etc.
Lunch Orders
Just a reminder that Lunch Orders are back for 2023 - check out the menus and ordering systems HERE. If you order lunch through LunchOnline for a Wednesday or Friday, please check your account is updated with your child's Hub for 2023 (as this doesn't happen automatically).
When you're logged into your LunchOnline account select "members" and select the hub name. This helps us to ensure lunch orders are delivered directly to a student's hub, and not mistakenly delivered elsewhere in school. Thanks heaps!
Scholastic's Book Club
Issue 1, 2023 of Scholastic's Book Club is now available for online ordering. The closing date is Friday the 10th March 2023.
Apart from receiving great quality books for your tamariki, there are free giveaways.
For all of the information on this issue please read this article.
Johnsonville Rotary Children's Day
Capital BMX Club - HAVE A GO - bike riding sessions
WonderHouse Art Class
This class aims to unleash children’s creative potential by providing art guidance, space and materials. We inspire children to explore their own imagination by observing, interpreting and expressing things in great detail. During the class, a great variety of art materials/tools will be used, including paints, clay, foams, coloured paper, cardboard, brush, scissors etc. All these materials and guidance are provided at a very affordable rate (from $9.99 per class).
Summer Art Competition
Tots to Teens
The latest Tots to Teens digi-magazine is live:https://issue2302.totstoteens.co.nz/