Pink Shirt Day is on Friday 19th May. Amesbury School invites students to wear pink in support.
Wow - Week 3 of the term already ....
Amesbury will hold a sausage sizzle at morning tea time on Thursday 18th May alongside our annual Junior Invitational Cross Countr...
Do you have 20-30 minutes available to help with pizza orders on some Thursdays?
Check out the new menu options for school lunch orders...butter chicken, fried rice noodles, sausage rolls, potato curry puffs, pa...
Congratulations and a big thanks to Tiffany & Zachary - why? See below ....
Closing date is Friday the 16th June 2023.
We will be running Amesbury's Got Talent heats in weeks 7 & 8 (6th-16th June). Dust off your singing voices and your dance skills ...
Kia ora and a warm welcome back to Term 2 ....
This term the students across all hubs will take swimming lessons as part of the PE curriculum. Todd and his trusted team at EasyS...
Tēnā koutou katoa. Welcome back to term 2 at Amesbury School. Nau mai haere mai ki te kura Amesbury. A warm welcome to families jo...
Term 1 is finished but just a few things to tidy up before everyone has a break ....
NZEI Primary Principals are committed to negotiating a collective agreement with the government that addresses the under-resourcin...
Our annual school Cross Country event will take place in the first week of Term 2.
Last week of school for Term 1 - school finishes 3pm on Thursday (6 April) but, before then, there are lots of things happening .....
It's Week 9 already! Lots of things still to happen before the end of term ....
Our Term 1 Learning Celebration is a chance for students to share what they have discovered about themselves during our inquiry mo...
As part of Movin' March we want you to dress up your mode of transport!
The following is a list of holiday activities that we have received notifications for ....
Bookings are now open for student conferences.