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As a school, we collect student achievement data every term, and track and monitor all students in terms of their achievement in a...
The countdown is on .... Pōhutukawa are getting ready for their big move into the new building early next term.
A kāhui ako is a community or network of schools that works together to achieve an agreed upon set of challenges or goals. The pre...
As part of our kaiako growth and development, we have a number of different ‘pipelines’ for supporting professional growth. One op...
Over the past couple of years, we have been exploring ways to best support teachers with their continued growth and development. O...
Teams of senior girls have been meeting on Friday afternoons to work on engineering projects
Building resilience in our children is particularly important for our children who live in a fast-paced, ever changing world.
Mr Roger Moses responded to Lesley Murrihy's comments regarding the front page Sunday Star Times' article about modern learning en...
I don’t normally read the Sunday papers, but when someone told me about the article on the front page of the Sunday Star Times ove...
Recently there has been a great deal of talk in the media about attendance and in particular holidays taken during term time.
Walking through the school the other day, I was struck by the different ways students were using furniture, but also by how engage...
There is a substantial body of research showing clear links between long term achievement, health, wealth, success and happiness a...