This term has been a busy one for Pōhutukawa Hub and we would love to share some of our learning with you. This article will give ...
Our Amesbury tamariki had a blast at this year's festival of football in Kilbirnie.
We warmly invite our Amesbury School whānau to join us for our Amesbury Cultural Showcase 2022. This will take place at Amesbury S...
He waka eke noa - A canoe which we are all in with no exception.
We have two staffing changes that will be coming up at the end of this year or the start of 2023.
As part of our kaiako growth and development, we have a number of different ‘pipelines’ for supporting professional growth. One op...
The announcements on 12th September have brought a number of changes for Aotearoa New Zealand. This article outlines the key chang...
Our Amesbury tamariki turned out in big numbers for the taster tennis session this week.
Over the past couple of years, we have been exploring ways to best support teachers with their continued growth and development. O...
At the beginning of the term, we were very excited to be able to have parents and whānau come in and visit our hub to see our lear...
This year is an extra special year as it is the 50th Anniversary of Te Petihana (Māori Language petition). More than 30,000 peopl...
Amesbury hosted the Northern Zone Junior Invitational Cross Country event on a glorious sunny morning in Week 5.
Nineteen of our courageous Amesbury ākonga travelled to the Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre in Kilbirnie to compete in the Nort...
Important information on correction of declared results, and details on next steps to for the School Board.
Work on our new hub building is continuing to progress. This article gives an update on where construction is currently at.
Nominations for this year’s triennial Board of Trustee elections closed last week, below are the results and information on what h...
Our tamariki had a splashing time on Thursday at our Senior Swimming Sports day!
Attendance for Terms 1 and 2 has been compiled and analysed, and we will be sending out attendance communications shortly.
It was a busy term in Koru Hub, with lots of different learning and events happening. Read on to find out more about what we got u...
Our awesome Amesbury award winners for Term 2 were announced at their own very special event on Friday.
We have been doing some awesome learning in Pōhutukawa Hub recently and we would love to share some of the things that we have rea...