
Student Conferences Term 3 2017

As we are heading towards the end of Term 3 it is now time to prepare for our second set of student conferences for 2017. For most...

Thursday August 31, 2017

Community Evening Update

The evening's schedule is now available, so have a think about what sessions you'd like to attend. 

Wednesday August 30, 2017

Board of Trustees Update

The Board of Trustees met last night for their regular monthly meeting. Here's an overview of what was covered.

Monday August 28, 2017

New Students!

A big welcome to Leo and Cameron who started school in Te Rito this week.

Thursday August 24, 2017

Feel Brave books now in the library

Author Avril McDonald kept us entertained today even while telling us stories about scary feelings we might have, such as feeling ...

Wednesday August 23, 2017

Ski camp '17

And they're off! Our ski campers have departed on their week of adventure.

Tuesday August 22, 2017

Noho Marae retrospective

Callum, Freeman and Harry interview students about their Noho Marae experience. 

Monday August 21, 2017

Amesbury Awesomeness Awards and Pōwhiri

Today saw two important ceremonies in Amesbury's school life - the presentation of Term 2's Amesbury Awesomeness Awards, and the p...

Monday August 14, 2017

New Students!

A big welcome to Amesbury for Betty, Ashaan, Aariya and Rohaan who have recently started in Harakeke.

Monday August 14, 2017

Harakeke Barcamp

Week 3 was a busy week for the school. The whole school went on Noho Marae in two shifts, and the students of Harakeke Hub did Bar...

Thursday August 10, 2017

Visit to Amesbury from Japanese School

This week, we welcomed visitors from Kaisei Girls Academy in Kobe, Japan.

Wednesday August 9, 2017

Amesbury Awesomeness Awards and Pōwhiri

Our Amesbury Awesomeness Awards for Term 2 will be presented next Monday, 14 August, at 2:30 pm in the Community Hall. 

Monday August 7, 2017

Chinese Martial Arts at Amesbury

Learn kung fu/wu shu/武术

Wednesday August 2, 2017

Wednesday Rotations

The sun is out and there is plenty of creative, interactive and co-operative learning going on in today's Wednesday rotations!

Wednesday August 2, 2017

New Students!

A big welcome to our new students in Te Rito - Liam, Jacob, Om, Nathaniel, Sofia and Marcus.

Monday July 24, 2017

2017 School Production

Enjoy some photos of 'The Changes of Agent-C' action...

Wednesday July 5, 2017

Noho Marae Trip: New Date!

We are excited to have a new date confirmed for our Noho Marae overnight cultural experience. Wednesday 9 Aug - Friday 11 August a...

Wednesday June 28, 2017

Transition for Term 3

We have students from Te Rito Hub and Koru Hub who will be transitioning through to a new hub for Terms 3 and 4.

Wednesday June 28, 2017

Hockey Tournament Success

Congratulations!  Third equal in the round robin tournament yesterday...  

Wednesday June 28, 2017

New Student!

A big welcome to Amesbury to Amaira who has recently started  in Te Rito.

Wednesday June 28, 2017

School production update

It's nearly time for the grand unveiling of our Amesbury School 2017 production - "The Changes of Agent C". The suspense is almost...

Sunday June 25, 2017