With restrictions easing from Term 2 onwards, the sports calendar was back up and running with Netball and Miniball quick to attract many new and returning sign ups.
A big thank you to the coaches of our three netball teams; Natalie and Paula Eastman who coached the Amesbury Ferns, Jack Mayer and Louise Kendall who coached the Amesbury All Stars and finally the table-topping Amesbury Aces coached by Mike and Melissa Connolly. These teams played for two terms at Newlands College on a Saturday when it wasn’t raining!
Our miniballers played for three full terms this year dedicating time afterschool or on the weekends for practices. Games were played on Monday’s for Y3/4 and Tuesday’s for Y5/6. We have a number of very passionate basketballers who relished the chance to further their skills and challenge themselves against other teams. A huge thank you to our coaches Roy Gilmour, Jackson Dudley, Andrew Joe, Andy Francis and Sam Bousaab for their time, patience and commitment to developing our budding basketballers. Well done to Team Moa, Kereru, Pī Wakawaka, Kereru (Y5), Pukeko and Tui. You guys are awesome role models!
Term 4 saw Touch Rugby make its return to Alex Moore Park in Johnsonville on Monday evenings. Amesbury had a total of 4 teams join in on the fun coached by the ever encouraging Belinda Beazer, Christine Dawson, Chris Dey and Mike Fraser. A special word of thanks to Jack Mayer who helped organise and coordinate the touch rugby calendar.
I would also like to mention all the outstanding individual performances that were displayed across the Northern Zone, Inter Zone and Regional events through the year. This includes the cross country, swimming and athletics events.
We had a total of 7 athletes qualify for the Athletics Regionals in Masterton which took place just last week. These were Jade, Mira, Paige, Sofia C, Jiya, Kingsley & Abigail. We are immensely proud of you and hope that you continue down the athletics pathway. You have amazing talent. Jiya finished 2nd overall for the region in quoits throwing a great distance of 25.20m. Ka pai Jiya - what an awesome result!
Earlier in the year Jiya also finished with five first place finishes at the Inter Zone Swimming event at the Aquatic Centre. He topped the table in each of the events he entered. This is an incredible achievement and I doubt if it has ever been done before. We can see a successful career in the pool ahead of you Jiya. Keep up the good work! Yiqi (Y4) was the second ākonga to represent Amesbury at the Inter Zone Swimming event. Congratulations to Yiqi who secured a 4th position finish in the 25m butterfly and 8th in the 25m breaststroke.
A final word of thanks to all the parents and caregivers who make it possible for our ākonga to participate in the sporting events throughout the school year. I appreciate the efforts you go to and a big special thanks to those parents who volunteer to transport our tamariki to and from the events keeping the costs down for everyone. Thanks also to those who have volunteered at our in-school events namely cross country, athletics day, swimming sports and more recently the very successful Amesbury Games. As sports coordinator, I am already looking forward to the opportunities and possibilities that 2023 will bring for our tamariki.
Kind regards and warm Christmas wishes to you and your whānau.
Sports Coordinator