Welcome to all our new and returning students, whanau and staff. Here's some things you may need to know...
A message from the Amesbury School Board of Trustees Chairperson, David Waters...
School holiday programmes/activities and Office hours...
All students will have school swimming lessons on a Tuesday in Term 1, starting in Week 2 and ending in Week 10 ( 8 lessons in to...
All welcome at Amesbury School, joined by choirs from CP School & Amesbury School, Capital Harmony Chorus & Salvation Army Band......
Enrolments are now open for children wanting to start music or drama lessons in 2017. Read on for a link to the enrolment form.
This is a reminder for the end of year EOTC event for our Year 0,1 and 2 children.
Using devices over the holidays? Shadez Blue Light Filter Glasses help reduce eye fatigue, dry eyes and blurred vision from blue l...
Hospitality, Activities, Services, Demonstrations, Entertainment, Arts & Crafts and more ...
As the school year draws rapidly to a close, this is the final information article about the Year 3/4 camp. A gear list and contac...
In 2017, our school community will welcome new faces, congratulate familiar ones and farewell others.
Still need an emergency/ready to run kit, water storage, or an extra first aid kit for the car or sports bag? Kit orders close 3....
The last day this year is Wed 14th Dec. The start date for 2017 is Tuesday 31st January.
Time for an easy to eat, nourishing snack...
We've checked out the school and everything looks fine and set to go. School will be open as usual today.
Make sure you have next Wednesday 16th November from 5:30pm in the diary for our final school community evening!
Our learning celebration this term will be held on Friday 2nd December from 1:45 - 2:45pm. You are all cordially invited to come a...