Martial Arts Class 中华儿童武术班招生

By: Amesbury School | Posted Friday June 16, 2017

Children and adults are welcome to come along to a FREE try out session for a martial arts class (WuShu/Kung Fu) on Monday, 26th of June from 6.30-7.30pm being held at the Amesbury School Hall.

Classes include forms, forms for children and self-defence technique. If there is enough interest, Xiao will look to run classes starting in Term 3.

For further details, please contact contact Xiao Meng at 0212931687 or



应广大家长们的要求,中华武术学校将在Churton Park 设立武术分班,由具有30年丰富教学经验的武术老师执教,首次试课免费。

时间:6月26日 周一晚上6.30-7.30

地点:Amesbury School, 48 Amesbury Drive, Churton Park

联系方式:孟繁晓 0212931687

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