Our new school lunch options are Nada (Tuesdays) and Pita Pit (Fridays). Both can be ordered using Lunchonline. You can view the full menu here.
Our familiar options Umi Sushi, Subway and Dominoes Pizza will still be available, though please note a change of days for pizza, which will now be on Thursdays. These options can be ordered and paid for via Amesbury's new online shop.
You will need to set up accounts with both Lunchonline and the School Shop and put money on the accounts before you place your first order, so we recommend you do this a few days before you plan to order, to ensure it is set up and payments processed in time.
If you are a regular lunch order customer, you might like to set up a regular order or bookmark our lunch order page. Alternatively, you can quickly find it under LINKS on the school app.
Lunch order days are as follows:
Monday Umi Sushi
Tuesday Nada Bakery
Wednesday Subway
Thursday Pizza
Friday Pita Pit