It has now been confirmed that New Zealand will stay in Alert Level 4 until at least 11:59pm on Tuesday 24th August. This means th...
Schools have now received permission from the Ministry of Health to allow parents and caregivers to come onsite briefly and safely...
The Prime Minister announced this evening that we will move to alert level 4 as of 11:59pm on Tuesday 17th August.
Sorry about the short day last Monday but these things do happen. Anyway, onto Week 4 ....
This is the initial information for the two day/overnight stay at Palm Grove camp (Paraparaumu) AND activities the following day.
Amesbury Board of Trustees has recently reviewed our Community Partnering Document as part of our ongoing review cycle. It is now ...
The window designs for our new hub building have been completed and we are delighted to share them with our community.
We have had a report of a case of shingles in Pōhutukawa Hub. Here is some information on this condition...
We have this term's mihi whakatau on Monday (9 August) and we'd love as many whanau as possible to attend. Other things happening ...
After a week of a variety of activities last week, we look forward to Week 2 ....
Orders will be open from Monday the 2 August. Look out for a Scholastic Book Club that will be sent home that day.
Welcome back for Term 3! Hopefully we have all had an enjoyable break and are ready for action ....
Both teachers and students are very excited to announce that we will be having a disco towards the end of this term. The disco wil...
This article contains some basic admin information for Term 3, along with details about our Module 3 inquiry (starting in Week 5),...
Term 3 commences on Monday 26 July
We are now looking for additional participants for the start of Term 3 for our increasingly sought-after Amesbury co-curricular le...
As we are now half way through the 2021 school year, our mid year report comments are now live on Hero.
This is the last week of school for Term 2 ....
After school Hindi classes were trialed in Term 2 this year, and will be continuing in Term 3.
Apologies for the last minute postponement of some activities last week but health & safety of our akonga (students) and kaiako (t...