Amesbury Notices - 26 October 2021

By: John Murrihy | Posted Monday October 25, 2021

What's on this week?

  • Labour Day - school closed - Monday 25 October
  • ICAS Maths exam (for students who have signed up) - Tuesday 26 October
  • MOE Photoshoot - Tuesday 26 October


Being Term 4, and in order to play outside, all students are required to wear sunhats or they need to stay in the shade on the blue matting area or in the library.

Don't forget to clearly name your child/ren's hats as, funnily enough, they all look the same, and so are easily mixed up

MOE Photoshoot

We have a Ministry of Education photographer on site on Tuesday this week to take some stock photos for their promotional material.

Simply stated none of these photos will be used without parental consent. If you have any questions or do not want your child/ren to be a part of the photoshoot please contact Urs ( or your child/ren’s whānau teacher by the end of Monday 25th October.

Community Consultation - Phase 2

Phase 1 consisted of asking for feedback about things that are going well and possible future focus areas for us as a school. That completed, we now move into Phase 2 which we are seeking to gather much more input around some more specific areas.

The article which sets out much more detail, together with links to feedback questions is in the HERO notification of this week's Digest.

Please have your say to help inform the future direction of Amesbury School.

School Camps

Have you completed permission forms for your child/ren for our Week 7 camps? Whether your child/ren will be attending or not we need them completed, thanks:

Beach Education Programme

This year's beach education programme is for all students and will be run on various days between 23 November and 1 December depending on which Hub your child/ren are in.

As this is a water based programme we are required to have a 1:5 adult/student ratio, so we are looking for whānau assistance. Please note that all helpers must demonstrate that they have received at least one covid vaccine dose.

Further information will be sent out prior to the programme with more specific details.

In the meantime can you please complete a consent form for each child - whether or not they will be attending the beach education day. This will enable us to determine the number of teachers who will need remain at school. Consent forms are linked in the article and it would be most appreciated if these could be completed prior to this Friday, 29 October.

Drum Lessons

We have been able to re-establish drum lessons this term, having lost our venue last term due to the new build. Given that lessons are now being held within one of the existing blocks, they are now being held after school on Friday afternoons.

If you are interested in drum lessons, or any other of out co-curricular activities, please contact John (

Amesbury Speech Competition

For those interested in preparing and presenting a short speech on any topic they like, please read the info in Natalie's article.

Please click here to sign up for the Term 4 speech competition. Entries close this Friday - 29 October.

Relevant dates:

  • Week 1 of Term 4 - sign up now
  • Speech Heats - 4 & 5 November
  • Speech Finals - Friday 19 November

2021 Kapa Haka Festival - Cancelled

Unfortunately, this year's St Brigid's Kapa Haka Festival has been cancelled as there is no indication that Wellington will be dropping alert levels and a festival such as this is not appropriate to run unless we are in alert level 1.

Next year the festival will be hosted by Amesbury School, so we are excited about that.

Junior Athletics Carnival

Just a reminder that the Junior Athletics Carnival is coming up on Tuesday next week.

All Year 0-2 students, including those in Harakeke, will have their Amesbury Athletics Carnival in Week 3 of Term 4 (Tuesday, 2 November) starting at 9.30am and finishing at 12.30pm. (Our postponement day will be Thursday 4 November).

For all the details please read Esther's Junior Athletics Carnival article.

Please note that if we are at Alert Level 1, we warmly welcome whānau and friends to come and support their children. Unfortunately, however, whānau and friends will not be able to attend if we are in Alert Level 2.

NZ Dance Challenge

We will be participating in the NZ Dance Challenge. This is a fun and exciting opportunity for students to learn, perform and share a dance routine along with other NZ schools.

Each school who is participating in the NZ Dance Challenge will learn a routine, record themselves performing this routine and then submit their video. We require your consent for your child to be part of this dance video as it will be uploaded to a site outside of our school. Please complete the consent form by 12 November 2021.

For all the details please read Regina's article.

Kindo Accounts

Can you please check your Kindo account to see if you have any outstanding invoices waiting to be paid.

Gizmo (the cat) is Missing

LJ and Ana's cat Gizmo has gone missing. He is a cat that ventures far and has been seen at Amesbury school on occasion.

Image by: John Murrihy

Super Summer Sports - Term 4

Kelly Sports will be back in Term 4 for 8 weeks on Fridays from 3.05-4.05pm, starting Friday 22 October with their fun and exciting classes for Y0-4

This term we will focus on the following sports: Football, Turbo Touch, Athletics and Cricket.

This weekly programme gives children the skills and confidence in a fun and enjoyable environment. It encourages their enthusiasm for sport and the life skills that such involvement brings – giving them confidence to join sports clubs and teams in the future.

It’s a great way to try new sports, learn new skills and improve ability!

Netball Skills - Wednesdays 3.30-4.30pm

Brought to you by Kelly Sports starting Wednesday 20 October 2021 for 8 weeks and held at Raroa Normal Intermediate, Johnsonville

Years 1-4 - These sessions will work on improving basic netball skills and start to develop technical and tactical knowledge in accordance with the Future Ferns programme. Children will improve their passing, shooting, spacial awareness and defensive skills.

Years 5-8 - These sessions will work on sharpening the basics like passing and shooting and we will learn to develop a better understanding of the 7 aside game and the different positional roles.

For full details and to enrol into our programmes visit email or call 04 972 7201.   

Community Notices

Diwali Cake Competition

Image by: John Murrihy

Rhythmic Gymnastics

Image by: John Murrihy

Samuel Marsden Collegiate School – Girls Year 7 entry 2022

You are warmly invited to Marsden School’s last Open Morning this year: Wednesday 27 October 2021, 8.45am-12pm. Please register at

Enrolments for entry in 2022 are now due. For questions, to organise a personal tour or day in class for your daughter please contact Enrolment Registrar Leigh McCathie on 476 8707.

Queen Margaret College Open Day - 29 October 2022

Image by: John Murrihy

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