Our main whakataukī for the year was certainly guiding us during our exploration at Te Papa: Mā te kimi ka kite, mā te kite ka mōh...
Our list of school activities for Term 1 ....
Every fortnight we have a whole school Share and Celebrate in the hall, where we will gather as a school, sing some waiata (songs)...
Every fortnight we will have a whole school Share and Celebrate in the hall, where we will gather as a school, sing some waiata (s...
Nau mai, haere mai. Welcome back to the new school year for our returning ākonga and whānau, and a warm welcome to our new student...
Tamariki from Years 0-6 enjoyed their day at the beach learning about water safety and what to do if they get into trouble.
Last week we had the presentation of the Term 4, 2023 Amesbury Awesomeness Awards
Huge congratulations to Seruwaia for being Amesbury School's 2023 North Wellington Primary Citizenship Award recipient.
During the past year, we have had Liping, a Mandarin Language Assistant (MLA), working alongside us. On Tuesday, we said goodbye t...
Last Thursday afternoon had the school buzzing with our Term 4 Learning Celebration - The Amesbury Games
On Friday last week we held our 'Share and Celebrate' event for our second annual poetry competition, and it was fabulous to see ā...
Monday treated us to a day of sunshine and blue skies as the Amesbury Athletes took to the tracks at Newtown Park.
Friday the 10th of November 4-6 pm - Bring some cash and feel free to wear your traditional clothes!
A huge congratulations to the Amesbury athletes who showcased their talent and skills at Nairnville Park on Tuesday.
Our preparations for our Cultural Festival are truly underway, and we now need your support for our fundraising BAKE SALE.
We're calling on volunteers to lend a hand at the counter and make this event a resounding success.
Our tamariki had a wonderful day at the zoo on Thursday and some of us even got to stay the night.
Last year we held our inaugural Churton Park community poetry competition, open to all students from Churton Park School and Amesb...
Term 4 has started with a bang and all the children taking part in the Cultural Festival are very excited and are busily preparing...
On Friday 10th November we warmly invite our Amesbury community to come and gather together, connect and celebrate.
In this article, we have provided information that will enable you to get the most out of HERO. Please click on the links below to...