This is the last week of school for Term 2 ....
After school Hindi classes were trialed in Term 2 this year, and will be continuing in Term 3.
Apologies for the last minute postponement of some activities last week but health & safety of our akonga (students) and kaiako (t...
There are critical actions needed of parents this week - please read these in the notices below ....
Week 7 is school photo week ....
The heats are sorted and happening this week! See below for when your child will be performing.
I hope that you are enjoying your long weekend. Here's what's happening in Week 6 ....
As part of our annual programme of emergency evacuation and lockdown drills, we will soon be running a 'full' evacuation drill, re...
Short weeks: this week with the Teacher Only Day on Friday and next Monday's Queen's Birthday ....
What's on at Amesbury this week ....
There are several dates coming up this term when school is either closed for instruction, or has reduced hours. Please make a note...
We will be running Amesbury's Got Talent heats in weeks 7 & 8 (14th-25th June). Dust off your singing voices and your dance skills...
Week 3 already ....
Amesbury choir members will have the chance, in Term 3, to be part of a mass choir and sing with a live orchestra.
Orders are now open. Look out for a Scholastic Book Club that has been sent out last week.
On Thursday (13 May) we have our first Learning Celebration for the year ....
Attendance for the first term of the school year has been compiled and analysed, and we will be sending out the first of our 2021 ...
All Amesbury families are invited to join us at 2.30pm on Monday 10 May to welcome new students and teachers and their families in...
Welcome back for the start of Term 2.
Term 2 swimming lessons for Koru Hub will be taking place at the Johnsonville School Pool on Thursdays from 9:45am-12:45pm.