Our inquiry topic this term is Living History where we explore Aotearoa New Zealand’s history. To support us in exploring this topic, we are hoping to visit the Wellington Museum and Te Papa in week 4 of term 1.
The dates for this trip will be:
Pōhutukawa - Mon 21 February 2022
Harakeke - Tue 22 February 2022
Koru - Thu 24 February 2022
At the Wellington Museum, we are booked in for an educational session called: A Place to call home - Waves of Migration. This links in wonderfully with our exploration of how different peoples came to live in Aotearoa New Zealand. In this session, we will explore the journey, arrival and settlement of people over time, as well as how groups of people have come to live and work together. This will be a celebration of Wellington’s diverse society.
At Te Papa, we are planning for students in Harakeke and Pōhutukawa to visit Gallipoli - The scale of our war. This exhibit shows the impacts of war which many students showed a great interest in when we asked them which parts of Aotearoa New Zealand history they wanted to explore. We understand that this exhibit may be unsettling for some students so we will have a second option for any students who do not want to view the Gallipoli exhibit. For Koru, we will go into Blood, Earth, Fire - The transformation of Aotearoa. This is a more scientific look at how Aotearoa New Zealand was formed.
As we are currently in a ‘Red’ level setting we are still awaiting confirmation from Te Papa and Wellington Museum on whether this trip can still go ahead and what extra safety procedures we will need to put in place. This also means that we do not have the costs available yet. We will send more specific details about times and cost once this has all been confirmed. Please note that we are expecting this trip to last the whole day (we will leave just after 9:00am and be back by 3:00pm).
For this trip to go ahead, we will need some parent help. If you are interested and able to help, please email the hub leader for your child’s team. We would love to have you join us.
Koru = amaria@amesbury.school.nz
Harakeke = jemima@amesbury.school.nz
Pōhutukawa = kalesha@amesbury.school.nz
*Please note as per the vaccine mandate, all adults who join us on trips will need to provide evidence that they have been fully vaccinated. Please send this evidence (e.g. your vaccine pass) to Urs (urs@amesbury.school.nz) as soon as possible. This information will be added to our private vaccine register that can only be accessed and viewed by Urs. If you provided evidence of being fully vaccinated last year, you do not need to provide evidence again this year.
Warm regards,
The team at Amesbury