Hindi classes for Term 3 will now be resuming, if there are enough registrations to make the classes possible.
Nau mai, haere mai. A warm welcome to term 3 2022 to all returning ākonga and whānau, and a special welcome to all our new student...
This article is an update on the cases of Covid in our school currently, and our approach to Covid precautions heading into Term 3...
School is finished for the term but we have just a few last minute things to share with you before everyone has a well earned brea...
We are now looking for additional participants for Term 3 for our increasingly sought-after Amesbury co-curricular lessons.
Elections for the school's Board take place every three years - the next one is this September. School board members play an impor...
This week is the last wek of school for Term 2 ....
Our Swimming Sports will be held early next term but entry forms are needed in the meantime.
See you all on Tuesday as school closed on Monday (27 June) for a teacher only day
Matariki Public Holiday on Friday - a time to celebrate and look forward
School Photos on Tuesday - don't forget your smiley faces
Both teachers and students are excited to announce that we will have a disco towards the end of this term. The disco will be held ...
School is closed on Monday for Queen's Birthday - enjoy the long weekend and the short week ....
Over the last wee while we have not been able to run community and school events due to Covid-19. As a wider community, we would l...
What's happening at Amesbury this week ....
We will be running Amesbury's Got Talent heats in weeks 7 & 8 (13th-24th June). Dust off your singing voices and your dance skills...
We want to celebrate all achievements of tamariki at Amesbury School.
As we come towards the end of May, the winter feel is definitely in the air.
We will hold a sausage sizzle at morning tea time on Thursday 2nd June alongside our annual Junior Invitational Cross Country at A...
It was wonderful to see so many whānau on site last week at the Learning Celebration.
Welcome back for Week 2 ....