Where & When
The Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) programme runs from Monday 5th December to Friday 9th December.
During EOTC week there will be a day trip - further information about this trip will be provided in the next notice.
Additionally, there will be a walk to Churton Park Reserve throughout the week. We are still confirming the date for this.
On Thursday Koru Hub will have an overnight camp at school. Those students staying over will return to school at 5pm (in non-uniform) with their overnight gear. We will have a shared dinner together and then sleep overnight in the Hub.
On Friday 9th December, we will have a shared breakfast and get ready for the day, with students who have stayed over.
The children who do not stay overnight can arrive back at school from 8:30am. All children can wear non-uniform for the day.
We are still confirming costs for this camp but we expect it to be no more than $25 for the day trips and no more than $35 for the overnight stay (this includes the day trip, dinner on Thursday and breakfast, morning tea, and lunch on Friday).
If you do not want your child to take part in the overnight stay, they will still take part in the daytime activities. If your child changes their mind and wants to stay overnight, we will not be able to make changes to this from Friday 12th November.
Consent and Parent Help
Here is the link to our camp consent form. Please complete this form for your child/ren by Sunday the 30th of October (if you have more than one child, please fill in a separate form).
As always, some parent help is needed (and greatly appreciated) for the overnight stay at school to go ahead. We also know that it can be a big step for year 0-2 children to stay overnight, so we do have extra spaces for some parents to stay with their child. We may not be able to accept all offers of help. There is a section on the consent form to fill in if you are able to help with any part of the camp. All parents staying overnight will be required to undergo NZ police vetting. Amaria will be in touch with you if you acknowledge that you would like to stay over at school. Please note it can take up to 6 weeks to get clearance so the sooner you submit the form, the sooner we can start the process.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s whānau teacher.
Warm regards,
Koru Hub Team