An opportunity to have your say on our Health & Physical Education Curriculum Statement and the Bullying Prevention Policy...
Purchase yours through Amesbury School and 20% of every membership sold goes towards funding to buy resources for the new bike tra...
2pm afternoon tea in the Commons (upstairs) - all welcome & the new entrant parent session at 3.30pm in Te Rito
It is important for students to learn in a safe environment that supports their health and well-being. Sometimes bullying happens ...
Section 60B of the Education Standards Act 2001 requires schools to consult with the school community every two years about the co...
When: tomorrow - Wednesday 2nd March - see you there!
As a school we have made some changes to our timing for reporting to parents of students aged 5-7 years old. Please read on for mo...
No need to bring anything, just come along before school pickup and join us on Thursday 10th March at 2pm...
Mon 15th Feb to Fri 19th Feb - Join us next week for walking, fun, competitions and prizes...
We would welcome any help (just 15mins or half an hour if you can) with the sausage sizzle - we're setting up from 2.30 - thanks!
Amesbury School is placing an order for school Chromebooks. If you would like to consider purchasing a unit as part of this order,...
The playground will be officially opened on Tuesday 9th February at 3pm. All welcome. Bring along coins for the afternoon tea sa...
It's looking fantastic! A few more finishing touches still to be done and then the playground will be ready for action...
The new lunch order form is now ready to accept orders for week 1.
And so it begins - the excitement of the new school year!This article gives parents and caregivers some housekeeping information a...
The end of the 2015 school year is drawing nigh! Our end of year student reports go live on ALF (our Amesbury Learning Framework) ...
The 2016 Koru Year 2 and 3 superheros strike a pose at their new entrance into Karaka...
Our 2015 school year is rapidly drawing to a close. Here is an overview of what's on for the last few days of the school year.
If you require any new uniform items for next year, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can ensure we have sufficien...
Now that we have confirmed appointments for next year, we can announce the teachers in each of our three learning teams for 2016.