Your opportunity to have your say: Bullying Prevention Policy Consultation
This policy begins with a definition of bullying that outlines what bullying is. A one-off incident of rough play, for example, is not bullying. Even a one-off act of physical violence is not bullying. Bullying includes a deliberate intent to harm. It happens more than once and it does do physical or emotional harm to the target. It is important to be clear about what bullying is because it is very easy to jump to the term "bullying" when, in fact, it might not be.
This policy is intended to protect those targeted by bullying. However, it also recognises that those doing the bullying as well as bystanders are also impacted by acts of bullying in negative ways and that all parties need to be supported back to full health and well-being.
This policy outlines the school's plans to prevent bullying from happening and it outlines how the school will respond when it does.
We would appreciate any feedback from you which will help to make this a stronger document.
Please follow the link below to a google doc with the draft policy and use the comment function to make suggestions. If you have trouble accessing this link, please email Lesley or the Office and we will email you a copy.
Thank you for taking the time to help us in this way.