We are considering adding rhythmic gym to our co-curricular program, alongside music and drama lessons!
Wellycon 2017 is being held in Wellington over Queen's Birthday weekend - head along for some gaming fun!
Our Community Evening for Term Two is on Wednesday 7 June from 5.30-7pm.
Do you fancy four days on a secluded mountainside? Keen to ski until your heart's content? Are you in the mood to stay in our very...
Recently the teachers went on an amazing trip to the Children's Bookshop in Kilbirnie and selected lots of new books for the Hubs ...
After our successful school cross country, Amesbury School will now be hosting our annual Junior Invitational Cross Country.
To be held on Wednesday 24th May at 5.30pm in the school board/meeting room...
All Amesbury families are invited along to welcome new staff, students and their families into the Amesbury School community...
Look out for a Scholastic Book Club brochure coming home this week.
No need to pack bags and pyjamas today; school as normal tomorrow.
The safety fence is gone and we are so pleased to be opening the 500m perimeter track and skills track for all those eager bike en...
Welcome back to Term 2! Just a quick reminder that we have a whole school evacuation and pick up drill this Friday (5th May) at 2p...
New Lunch menu starting this term.
Order before the end of April and go in the draw to win a $1,000 David Jones shopping spree!
Upcoming school-wide events, community & school notices...
As we rush towards the end of Term 1 don't forget to head along to our learning celebration on Thursday 13th April at 1:45pm.
Does your child wish to start a music or drama lesson in Term 2?
There is a substantial body of research showing clear links between long term achievement, health, wealth, success and happiness a...
All students and parents are invited to this unique overnight experience at Orongomai Marae in Upper Hutt. See the details below a...
Now that we have updated all emergency contact records for students, we will be running an evacuation and pick up drill in the fir...