
School Notices - 29 April 2019

What's happening that we need to know about ....

Sunday April 28, 2019

From the BOT: Digital Citizenship

The Board has been working for some months on updating the school's Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety Policies.

Sunday April 28, 2019

School Cross Country - Tuesday 7 May

Our whole school cross country event will be held in Week 2 of Term 2, on Tuesday 7th May. The event will begin just after 11am (a...

Friday April 26, 2019

Co-curricular Lessons for Term 2

We have a range of opportunities to participate in small group or individual music, drama, and gymnastics lessons with specialist ...

Thursday April 11, 2019

Scooter Day! Friday 3 May

You want to wear mufti, be in a parade, race your scooter and eat yummy food? Read on ....

Wednesday April 10, 2019

School Notices - 10 April 2019

The last week of school for Term 1 is upon us. So here's what you need to know for the rest of this week, things to do over the ho...

Wednesday April 10, 2019

Swimming Lessons: Term 2

Below is some important information about Whole School Swimming next term

Wednesday April 10, 2019

School Notices - 3 April 2019

What's happening between now and the end of term ....

Wednesday April 3, 2019

Kelly Club & Kelly Sports

Looking for some fun things for the kids to do over the holidays and before and after school next term? Simply read on ....

Wednesday March 27, 2019

School Notices - 27 March 2019

Plenty happening before the end of the term ....

Wednesday March 27, 2019

Hosting International Students

Hosting an international student in your home is a great way to experience another culture.

Wednesday March 27, 2019

Measles Vaccine

Regional Public Health information for parents on the supply of the measles vaccine.

Monday March 25, 2019

Board of Trustee Elections coming up

Elections are being held in June for the Amesbury School Board of Trustees.

Friday March 22, 2019

Wanting to know what being on the Board involves?

Not able to make it to a meeting? We have set up a Loomio thread so that you can ask questions of current trustees about what the ...

Friday March 22, 2019

School Notices - 20 March 2019

What's happening at school over the next week ....

Wednesday March 20, 2019

Parents taking photographs or filming at school ev…

We are wanting to know what you think about whether parents should be able to video or photograph at school events. If so, under w...

Tuesday March 19, 2019

Feeling safe priority after 15 March traumatic eve…

This article outlines the approach we are taking this week to ensure students feel safe at Amesbury School. It also outlines a pla...

Monday March 18, 2019

School Notices - 13 March 2019

What's coming up ....

Wednesday March 13, 2019


We have had reports chickenpox in both Harekeke and Koru Hubs. Here is some information on this condition...

Monday March 11, 2019

Student Conferences Term 1, 2019

Amesbury School will be holding our first round of student conferences in the final week of this term.

Friday March 8, 2019

School Notices - 6 March 2019

What's coming up ....

Wednesday March 6, 2019