What is on this week ....
Kindly return all overdue library books please.
Come and take a look at our new library books...
Come and join us for stargazing, activities and an early morning breakfast at school!
What's happening at Amesbury this week ....
This is the initial information email for the Year 5 and 6 senior camp to Teapot Valley in Nelson.
Parent feedback is being sought for the Board's review of Te Tiriti O Waitangi Policy, and the Community Partnership document. Ple...
A visit from the Wellington City Library this Friday for Year 3-6 Students
Keep up-to-date with what's happening at school ....
We had an emergency drill and full school pick up drill scheduled for this Friday afternoon at 2pm. However, given the school clos...
Message from Board Chair, John Bunting ....
Week 4 of of the term is coming up so what's happening ....
Orders are now open. Look out for a Scholastic Book Club brochure coming home this week.
Unfortunately, we have received another report of nits/head lice. Please recheck the whole family and take the following actions ....
As part of our annual programme of emergency evacuation and lock down drills, we will soon be running a 'full' evacuation drill, r...
All Amesbury families are invited to join us on Tuesday 14 May to welcome new students and their families into the Amesbury School...
What's happening in Week 2, Term 2 ....
Attendance for the first term of the school year has been compiled and analysed, and we will be sending out the first of our 2019 ...
Homestay families required for 2 weeks in Term 3.