Attendance for the whole school year has been compiled and analysed, and we will be sending out our third round of our 2019 attend...
Our reports for the second half of the school year can now be viewed on our student learning sytem, ALF (Amesbury Learning Framewo...
The school year seems to have hurtled by even quicker than usual! Next week will be our final week of school, with school closing ...
The main theme this week is CAMPS ....
Just a reminder that the year 0-2 activity day and camp is next Thursday 5 & Friday 6 December.
The year must be winding down fast because this week is the Term 4 Learning Celebration ....
You are all invited to join us for the end of term learning celebration next Thursday, 28 November 1.50pm-2.50pm.
Please read this information as we prepare to go on camp.
This week at Amesbury ....
What's happening at Amesbury this week ....
This is the second and final information email for the Year 5 and 6 senior camp to Teapot Valley, Nelson.
One-third of the term gone already! Athletics seems to be the special thing happening this week....
In Term 4 all teams across the school will be taking part in a Surf Life Saving program. This will be very timely with the long su...
Book Fair and Book Club Issue 7 Order
Keep up-to-date with what's happening at Amesbury this week ....
An update about the Year 3/4 camp to Palm Grove.
Nau mai, haere mai, namaste, nĭ hăo, and welcome to Amesbury's Wheels and Cultural Festival 2019! We have a range of exciting acti...
Week 2 - and the best news? We have 3 new entrants beginning today bringing our roll to 300!!!
The end of year camps are fast approaching! Our exciting end of year Year 0-2 camp on the 5th and 6th of December will consist of ...
It's that time of year when the big red truck drives in, to deliver the books for our scholastic book fair. Great stocking fillers...
All Amesbury families are invited to join us at 2.30pm on Tuesday 29 October to welcome new students, teachers and their families ...