If you have any spare newspapers, please bring them in for us to use today and next week - thanks!
Everyone seems to be busy, so we have decided to downsize the International Festival we had planned for mid November and combine i...
Recently there has been a great deal of talk in the media about attendance and in particular holidays taken during term time.
As we approach the end of term 3, there are a few things we'd like to draw your attention to;
Our term dates for next year are now confirmed.
Tuesday 15th December
We have at least one student at Amesbury School who has a serious and potentially life threatening allergy to peanuts.
ASB is supporting Amesbury School, by donating $500 for new home loans over $150,000 drawn down before 31st Dec 2015.
THIS FRIDAY (28th) is Amesbury’s Mid-Winter Christmas Disco. Come along and show us your flash dancing moves!
As we are moving towards the end of Term 3 it is now time for our second set of student conferences for 2015; these will be held o...
... or you can just borrow! Would you enjoy a good read, but no time to get to the library? How about a book from school...
Now that we've been open for 3½ years, and with our roll fast approaching 180, we thought it a good time for a few reminders…
A hearty welcome to Derek (your left), Tom and Felicity, our new music tutors. They are very experienced and capable musicians and...
Karen Boyes, NZ Speaker of the Year and NZ Educator of the year, will speak on Future-Proofing Your Child.
An invitation from Pauline Cleaver, Director of Education, Wellington (Sector Enablement & Support)
Fundraiser for Year 5 & 6 Camp to South Island
Bar 1841 is prepped, the prizes are ready, the staff quiz team is waiting.....are you ready to take us on?
We are reminding all students, parents and caregivers of the need to use our school crossing when crossing over Amesbury Drive. I...
Amesbury is purchasing a new set of Chromebooks and we are happy for any parents interested in purchasing a Chromebook for their c...
Inspire Photography will be heading along to Amesbury later this term to take our annual school photos. Please read on for further...
Our quiz night fundraiser for our Year 5 and 6 camp to the South Island is drawing close. Don't forget to book your place!