School Cross Country
Our school cross country will be held on Tuesday 10 May (Week 2). The races will start at 1.30pm and other races will follow. All students will be expected to participate in this event, as it forms part of our school PE programme.
The order of the races are:
Year 6 Boys
Year 6 Girls
Year 5 Boys
Year 5 Girls
Year 4 Boys
Year 4 Girls
Year 3 Boys
Year 3 Girls
Year 2 Boys
Year 2 Girls
Year 1 Boys
Year 1 Girls
Please pack a set of non-uniform clothes for the children to run in, as they may get wet and muddy! Please pack a named plastic bag for the wet/dirty clothes afterwards, along with suitable running shoes.
We will try and run the event on this day, weather permitting. It is likely that we will run the Year 4-6 students despite the weather, to allow us to enter students for the Northern Zone event. We will make this decision on the day and let you know via the school blog by 12:00pm.
Northern Zone entries will be decided by a team of three teachers who will base their decisions on quality of performance and readiness to perform at that level. Overall performance in running during fitness and PE sessions will also be taken in account, along with performance on the day of school cross country.
You are all most welcome to come along and cheer loudly! If you are coming to watch, the assembly area is on the netball courts. We ask that you please keep off all grassed areas as this is where the courses are.