As the school year draws rapidly to a close, this is the final information article about the Year 3/4 camp. A gear list and contac...
In 2017, our school community will welcome new faces, congratulate familiar ones and farewell others.
Still need an emergency/ready to run kit, water storage, or an extra first aid kit for the car or sports bag? Kit orders close 3....
The last day this year is Wed 14th Dec. The start date for 2017 is Tuesday 31st January.
Time for an easy to eat, nourishing snack...
We've checked out the school and everything looks fine and set to go. School will be open as usual today.
Make sure you have next Wednesday 16th November from 5:30pm in the diary for our final school community evening!
Our learning celebration this term will be held on Friday 2nd December from 1:45 - 2:45pm. You are all cordially invited to come a...
Head along to this popular annual event! Amesbury students singing at 6.30pm and...
In 2017 we are privileged to be having a Mandarin Language Assistant (MLA) in our school for a year. We are seeking expressions of...
Join us for a food themed evening for our final school community evening of the year, on Wednesday 16 November from 5.30-7pm.
This will be held at school, on Wednesday 2nd November between 10:30-12:30pm.
It's gone to print so now's a good time to pre-order your copy, just $25 each...
All Amesbury families are invited to join us next Monday to welcome new staff, students and their families into the Amesbury Schoo...
Coming soon; see dates below. Great stocking fillers for christmas! Volunteers needed to help man (or woman) the counter.
After many weeks of practise, the children are ready to dazzle you with their brilliance!
We have had 2 reports of students with school sores so wanted to let you know and provide some information on the condition...