What's happening at school over the next week ....
We are wanting to know what you think about whether parents should be able to video or photograph at school events. If so, under w...
This article outlines the approach we are taking this week to ensure students feel safe at Amesbury School. It also outlines a pla...
What's coming up ....
We have had reports chickenpox in both Harekeke and Koru Hubs. Here is some information on this condition...
Amesbury School will be holding our first round of student conferences in the final week of this term.
Unfortunately, we are still getting reports of nits/head lice. Please recheck the whole family and take the following actions ....
Keep informed about what's happening at Amesbury over the next week ....
Is it time to update your emergency kit at home? Do you need a first aid kit for your car, caravan or bach? Order now from school ...
The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is being held: Wednesday, 27 February, 2019 at 5.30pm in the Meeting Room, Amesbury Scho...
Capital E are hosting schools at the National Arts Festival. Wellington schools are fortunate enough to get a bargain price to att...
What's happening at school over the next week....
Two of our students are in the lead of the lantern competition. Get online and vote and get all the whanau (extended family) to vo...
We have had reports of nits/head lice in Koru Hub. To help prevent the spread in school, it is important everyone checks their who...
Parents are invited to come in and see learning in action at our Open Morning, Tuesday, 26 March, 2019
Throughout March students are encouraged to WOW (walk or wheel) to school, so get ready to get moving!
What's happening this week....
Start of year school fees are now available for payment via the online shop.
Orders are now open. Look out for a Scholastic Book Club brochure coming home this week.
Recapitation is the term for a school changing from year 1 - 6 (contributing school) to year 1 - 8 (full primary). The Board of Tr...