We are very fortunate because most people are courteous and sensible when they pick their children up. Some arrive at 3.10pm (3.15pm on a wet day) on a regular basis so that they miss the big rush. This is very helpful.
Others simply accept that they are going to have to park a little away from the school and walk into school even on wet days. This is helpful too, and what is more, a little rain generally doesn't do any harm. I know, because we spent years and years attending cross country and road races every weekend through the winter, come rain, hail and sometimes snow and our eight kids were always pretty healthy.
So thank you to those who simply accept that the pick of up children will require patience, courtesy, care and a little discomfort at times and we know that is just about all of you. However, what continues to surprise us is that there are a few people who obviously know the car park expectations but sometimes only follow them when we are watching. I really worry about the message this is sending to children - the message that we only need to follow rules or laws when there is a risk we might get caught. I don't think this is a message that will serve children well.
The thing is that though we might be able to squeeze in a few new carparks when we do the new building, essentially what we have in terms of car parks is it and we are going to have to make the best of it as the school grows - we are just going to have to get better and better at "doing" pick up time. In fact, we should acknowledge with appreciation that we are better off than most schools in terms of pick up times.
The Board definitely acknowledges that there are problems with the driveway entrance way, especially when you turn in from up Amesbury Drive, and we are working through a process to get it fixed.
Anyway, here is a reminder of the safe behaviours we expect from everyone at pick up and drop off time.
When asked to move, a number of people tell us they will only be a couple of minutes. The problem is that if everyone parks in the wrong place for a couple of minutes then the car park would be a very dangerous place indeed. We understand that sometimes enforcing rules seems silly and overly officious. However, in the interests of the safety of our children, we have decided that the only option we have is to require all people to follow the car park rules at all times.A full copy of our Carpark Safety Procedure can be found here.