
Personalised name labels

Help us to avoid lost property by labelling your child's things. "Stuck on You" offer a range of personalised labels, clothing nam...

Wednesday February 12, 2020

Meet ’n’ Greet Parent Evening

Join the school community this Friday, 14 February from 5.30-7.30pm for our Meet the Teacher Evening.

Sunday February 9, 2020

School Notices - 10 February 2020

We've had 2 short weeks to ease everyone into 'back to school' mode but for Week 3 it's a full 5 days ....

Sunday February 9, 2020

School Notices - 3 February 2020

It's a 4-day week this week, with Waitangi Day on Thursday, giving everybody the opportunity to continue to settle into their lear...

Monday February 3, 2020

He Tohu Trip 2020

As part of our Module 1 Inquiry looking at Te Tiriti o Waitangi, all hubs will have the opportunity to go to the National Library ...

Thursday January 30, 2020

School Notices - 29 January 2020

Welcome to Amesbury for 2020! Hopefully everyone has had an enjoyable break and are ready for the new adventures that this year ho...

Wednesday January 29, 2020

Important information regarding the coronavirus

As you will all be aware, an outbreak of a new coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China, is rapidly spreading across China and worl...

Monday January 27, 2020

School Leaver Accounts Deactivation

On 31 December 2019 all school leavers' accounts will be deactivated. This means the student will no longer be able to log into th...

Thursday December 12, 2019

School Notices - 9 December 2019

Last week of school for 2019! ....

Monday December 9, 2019

Year 6 Graduation Dinner and Day in Town

This article has information about the graduation dinner (Monday 9 December) and the day in town (Tuesday 10 December).

Sunday December 8, 2019

Thinking about music, speech & drama or gymnastics…

We are now looking for additional participants for our increasingly sort-after Amesbury co-curricular lessons.

Friday December 6, 2019

Attendance communications for the full school year

Attendance for the whole school year has been compiled and analysed, and we will be sending out our third round of our 2019 attend...

Friday December 6, 2019

End of year reports go live on Wednesday 11th Dec

Our reports for the second half of the school year can now be viewed on our student learning sytem, ALF (Amesbury Learning Framewo...

Friday December 6, 2019

Details about the final day of school for 2019

The school year seems to have hurtled by even quicker than usual! Next week will be our final week of school, with school closing ...

Friday December 6, 2019

School Notices - 2 December 2019

The main theme this week is CAMPS ....

Monday December 2, 2019

Year 0-2 End of Year Camp - final notice

Just a reminder that the year 0-2 activity day and camp is next Thursday 5 & Friday 6 December.

Monday November 25, 2019

School Notices - 25 November 2019

The year must be winding down fast because this week is the Term 4 Learning Celebration ....

Monday November 25, 2019

Learning Celebration - Term 4, 2019

You are all invited to join us for the end of term learning celebration next Thursday, 28 November 1.50pm-2.50pm.

Friday November 22, 2019

Year 3/4 Palm Grove Camp: Notice #3 2019

Please read this information as we prepare to go on camp.

Friday November 22, 2019

School Notices - 18 November 2019

This week at Amesbury ....

Monday November 18, 2019

School Notices - 11 November 2019

What's happening at Amesbury this week ....

Monday November 11, 2019