
Scooter Ramps are here!

The 'scooter ramp OurTime kids' scooter ramps have now arrived.

Friday June 7, 2019

Welcome, welcome, and welcome back!

A big Amesbury welcome to our newest students Seren, Adalyn and Pranav and a welcome back to Sashank and Kish who have returned fr...

Wednesday May 22, 2019

Why is it so important for families to pay the sch…

What is your donation used for?

Tuesday May 21, 2019

Movin' March winning school!

Amesbury School is the district winner for participation in the Movin' March event for 2019, which is fabulous news!

Tuesday May 21, 2019

Mihi Whakatau - 14 May

26 students and their families were formally welcomed to Amesbury School earlier this week.

Friday May 17, 2019

School Cross Country Results

Congratulations to all the students who participated in school cross country on Tuesday 7 May.

Saturday May 11, 2019

Art Work Extraordinaire!

I'm always amazed by the talent that the Amesbury kids exhibit.

Friday May 10, 2019

Scooter Day

Some original ideas and a lot of effort went to decorating scooters for Scooter Day.

Friday May 3, 2019

Welcome to all our new students

What a lovely smiley group making the most of today's sun. Enjoy your Amesbury journey.

Wednesday May 1, 2019

PSW Futsal Tournament

Last week 7 teams represented Amesbury at the PSW Futsal tournament at the ASB Sports Centre in Kilbirnie.

Monday April 8, 2019

The 'Thank You' company

Most parents might be familiar with 'ourTime', but if you aren’t, it is when a group of kids come together and fix a problem in ou...

Friday April 5, 2019

A big welcome to Kayley who started school this we…

I'm sure your big sister and your new friends will help you to settle in quickly.

Tuesday March 26, 2019

Our LOVEwall - for the Muslim community and Christ…

This is our expression of love to/for those most impacted by the Friday 15th March attack in Christchurch.

Saturday March 23, 2019

Welcome to our new students ....

A huge Amesbury welcome to our newest students George, Shenaya, Bayley and Max and their whanaus.

Wednesday March 20, 2019

Say no to racism and discrimination in all its for…

Nigel Latta wrote that the harder work is ahead of us as we challenge hatred in all its forms whenever we encounter it. Here is hi...

Wednesday March 20, 2019

Emergency Drill: Lock-Down

We could not have known how timely it was to have an emergency lock-down drill yesterday.

Friday March 15, 2019

PSW Football

An enjoyable and fruitful day out for the students and parents who went to this week's football tournament.

Thursday March 14, 2019

Northern Zone Cricket

Our future Black Caps and White Ferns represented Amesbury with pride and determination in the PSW Northern Zone cricket tournamen...

Saturday March 9, 2019

Vote ... vote ... vote! was the plea. And it was s…

After a public vote two Amesbury students took 1st and 2nd placings in the Lantern Making competition.

Tuesday March 5, 2019

Kara Chameleon's Sun Smart UV Lab

It's cloudy today. Surely we don't have to wear our hats outside....

Wednesday February 20, 2019

Terracotta Warriors Exhibition

It was curious but excited groups of students that entered Te Papa and amazed and even more excited groups of students who left.

Wednesday February 20, 2019