Amesbury Notices - 5 August 2024

By: John Murrihy | Posted Sunday August 4, 2024

Actions Needed:

  1. View & order School Photos - closes midnight Sunday 4 August

  2. Send gear for Pōhutukawa Swimming - Thursday 8 August

  3. RSVP for the Year 4-6 Movie Afternoon - Friday 9 August

  4. Registrations close for Amesbury Speech Competition - Sunday 18 August

  5. Orders close for Scholastic's Book Club- Friday, 23 August

  6. Link your New World club card to the school by adding your Club Card number to this form

  7. Items needed by Koru Hub (small boxes, paper towel tubes)

  8. Contribute to our Whānau Kai Compendium

What's on this week?

  • Four-Year-Old Programme - 2-2.45pm Monday 5 August

  • ICAS Exam - Digital Technology - Tuesday 6 August

  • New Entrant/Year 1 Focus Group Meeting - 5-6pm Tuesday 6 August

  • Co-curricular lessons - Wednesday 7 & Friday 9 August

  • Kapa Haka - Wednesday 7 August

  • Pōhutukawa Swimming Lessons - Thursday 8 August

  • Pōhutukawa Movie Afternoon -3.15-5.15pm Friday 9 August

School Photos - Closing this Sunday (4 August)

Time is running out to view and order school photos before the fundraising period for this gallery will finish at midnight this Sunday (4th August 2024).

Apart from obtaining a memory of the time your tamariki had at Amesbury and as they grew and developed, it is also an opportunity to further assist in our school fundraising.

Urs sent you all a HERO notice on 8 July with all of the details, so please refer back to that so that you can access the photos and place your order.

New Entrant/Year 1 Focus Group Meeting - This Tuesday

Urs has sent out invitations to all New Entrant and Year 1 parents to attend a Focus Group meeting this coming Tuesday (6 August) in Pōhutukawa Hub from 5 to 6pm.

Pōhutukawa Hub Movie Afternoon - This Friday

A former student, Surya - now in Year 10 - has organised a free movie afternoon for all ākonga (students) after school on Friday (9 August). Their principal goal is to raise awareness of emotions for primary aged children.

The session will commence at 3.15pm with a showing of Inside Out and concluding with a fun activity around creating their own emotion.

The event will end at 5:15pm. Students will be supervised throughout this time by Urs, supported by a group of Year 10 students.

Read through Urs's article and complete the RSVP form if your tamariki are attending.

Mihi Whakatau

We had our Term 3 Mihi Whakatau last Friday, welcoming a number of new ākonga (students) and kaiako (teachers) to Amesbury.

Read about it here.

Share and Celebrate Week 2

We've just had our latest Share & Celebrate, recognising a number of achievements and special things to be noted.

Read all about who and why, right here.

Amesbury Speech Competition

The 2024 Amesbury Speech Competition will be held this term, so it's time to register and start preparing your speech.

All the details for this year's event can be found here. But be aware of the critical dates:

  • Registration - Sunday 18th of August

  • Heats - Week 7 (2-6 September)

  • Finals - 2pm on Friday 13th of September

Scholastic's Book Club

The latest issue of Scholastic's Book Club is now available The last day to place your order is Friday, 23 August.

Free books are available on different spend levels, so don't miss out.

Kirat will also need some assistance to bundle up the books when they arrive, so if you can help, please contact her (

For all of the information, including the online brochure - a printed copy of which was sent home with your tamariki - please read the Scholastic's Book Club article.

Lost Property

Lost Property currently held at the office:  

- an un-named Amesbury hoodie, water bottles, a set of keys, a Lego watch, a backpack with another bag inside it, a unicorn princess bike helmet, Jurassic books, Hurricanes hoodie and a green/navy jacket.

Clothing backup - for ALL STUDENTS please
With winter here, so is the rain, puddles and mud.  Please pack a spare set of shorts/track pants/leggings, and underpants in the school bag (for all ages and sizes) with a plastic bag to put the wet clothes in, and let your child know that they are there for them to get changed into.  For some children it can be embarrassing or upsetting when they unexpectedly become wet or dirty (particularly if there isn't anything for them to change into) or they don't like what is available.  We do not hold many spare clothes so are not able to cater for all 'requests' and sizes (particularly over size 8). If there isn't anything for students to change into, we may need to call and ask for clothes to be brought to school.

Advising of contagious illnesses

When informing the school office of an absence due to a student being unwell, please include additional information regarding conditions that are highly contagious.  This helps to track any trends, advise our school community to be on the lookout, and ensures immediate notification to the parents of students who have lowered immune systems due to the treatment of serious medical conditions. In particular, Chicken Pox and Measles can have serious implications, so the sooner families are informed of infectious exposure, the sooner any appropriate treatment can be given to prevent potentially serious complications.

Post viral coughs

It's a tough time of year with all the virals doing their thing, and we understand that viruses can sometimes linger with after effects like a cough when they're no longer infectious.  If your child has a type of cough that is a dry tickle that needs a clearing cough, fresh air and a sip of water, we can support them by giving them time to do that.  
Obviously if students are feeling achy/low energy and have a temperature or a persistent/active/wet/chesty sounding/type of cough or streaming nose it's best if they stay home or get clearance from a doctor.  The main thing is that we want students to get better, so if you decide to send your child to school and they start to fade, or show persistent symptoms, we will call to arrange for someone to pick them up.

Lunch Orders:

If you run out of lunchbox supplies, have a lot going on, like the idea of kids having a meal at lunchtime, or simply want to provide a treat lunch, we have a few options available through Lunchonline menus and school via Kindo:

  • Lunchonline/Wednesday - Nada Bakery's range includes pies and filled breads 

  • Lunchonline/Wednesday - Fusion Food Haus offers Halal food and kids-size warm meals

  • Kindo/Thursday - Cheese Pizza (including gluten free base option)

  • Lunchonline/Friday - Chia Sushi has a variety of sushi, dumplings and rice packs

Absence from school

The office is to be advised of all absences, before 9am by;

  • Report an Absence on Hero (school app) - preferred option for daily absence

  • Email: - preferred option for future or extended absence

  • Text:  021 86 55 28

  • Phone: 04 477 3423 and leave a message

For absences of 5 days or more from school due to holiday or travel during term time, parents are required to contact the Principal in writing.  For planned trips, this should be well in advance of the holiday/time away from school.

Uniform Check

Reminder that lower half uniform and long sleeved tops worn under polos must be plain black (not pink, navy, grey or patterned).

Items Needed by Koru Hub

If you have any of the following items at home can you please bring them into school and drop them off in Kōwhai (yellow carpet) in Koru Hub:

  • small boxes (containers that are no bigger than a cereal box)

  • paper towel tubes

Contribute to our Whānau Kai Compendium

Do you have a favourite kai (food or snack) that you would like to share with the Amesbury whānau? If so send it in and we will send out a digital recipe book at the end of this term.

Amesbury School partnership with Churton Park New World

Just a reminder for those who have not signed up yet. With no additional cost to our Amesbury whānau, our new partnership with Churton Park New World, will provide a source of fundraising for the school.

All we need from you is to link your New World Card to Churton Park New World - using this form, and school will receive 1% of your total spend which you continue to enjoy the full benefits of the card and all the discounts available.

Our plan is to let you know what we will use the funds raised for. The first item on our wish list is a Kī-o-Rahi kit. 

For more details on the on the partnership, how it exactly works etc. please read Urs's article.

Kelly Club

Join us for an exciting Stage Challenge! Get ready for Week 3 filled with creativity, fun by engaging in a variety of activities, from song down the string to making Sparkly Shortbread, dancing, and acting. Don't miss out on this fantastic unforgettable time!

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