You will know Special Education continues to be a major priority for the Ministry of Education.
current Special Education Update is looking at the whole education system including the Ministry’s responsibilities - from early childhood, through to primary, secondary and tertiary education. We want a range of views to inform decisions about improvements. If you have already contributed your views – thank you.
You will be aware that so far we’ve worked with representative groups, professionals and some individuals (including parents) in forums to discuss priority improvements.
We understand more people want to contribute so we’ve decided to hold extra forums – mainly for parents but others are also welcome.
The attached invitation is open to all parents.
These additional forums are being held from mid August to 4 September. We are using the same format as earlier forums and will include all contributions into the analysis and decisions about priority improvements.
While much has been achieved in recent years in inclusive education, there is more to be done.
Thanks for your support for the Special Education Update.
Kind regards
Pauline Cleaver