City Centre Art Walk

By: Lesley Murrihy | Posted Tuesday May 5, 2015

It was a massive feat of organisation, but finally the whole school piled onto three buses and headed to the city on Wednesday, 29th April. Armed with maps, 30 groups of year 1 – 6 students went off with an adult and began looking for artworks in the city. Prior to the trip each group had explored art galleries and other significant places of art online and had decided what they wanted to see when they hit the city. Their artworks of interest were mapped out and times allocated creating a timetable of what their day would look like. It was such a wonderful day and artwork was found everywhere. 

We were so proud walking around the city because everywhere we went we received great feedback about the groups that had visited before us. Everywhere I looked children were well behaved and engaged. 

A huge thanks to Michael and Anna for the massive amount of organisation they put into this experience and to the willing parent helpers who made it possible.

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