Coming Events — please put these on your calendar

By: Lesley Murrihy | Posted Monday March 16, 2015

Term 2 Community Evening — 20th May, 2015, 5.30 pm

Jeff Johnstone and Sean O'Connor from the Asia Aware Foundation will be speaking on the following important question:

Why is Asia Awareness so important in today's world?

A number of mandarin learning assistants from around Wellington will attend in their traditional clothes, perform and provide a range of activities for the children. 

Term 3 Community Evening — 19 August, 2015, 5.30pm – 7.30pm

Karen Boyes, 2014 New Zealand Educator of the Year and 2013 New Zealand Speaker of the Year will be coming to Amesbury School to speak about "Future Proofing Your Child". Further information below:

Future Proofing Your Child In a busy, fast paced, changing world where change is the only constant and knowledge is easily accessible, the concern bubbling up is how to ensure your child is truly prepared for the real world. The 21st century skills are very different skills from when we were at school. Many are just common sense, however this is not so common.

In this presentation, Karen will explore some of the key behaviours and dispositions needed to be successful in the modern world. These include knowing how to question and problem solve, think flexibly, manage oneself, listen with understanding & empathy, and create and innovate – just to name a few. You will also hear about the future jobs predicted and ways you can support your child at school and home to ensure they are prepared for an ever changing world.

Be ready for an interactive evening full of great information, laughs and some aha moments.

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