Amaria Picard

Amaria Picard - Teacher, Koru Hub (Team Leader)

Tēnā Koutou

Ko Taranaki te Maunga 

Ko Kaupokonui  te Awa

Ko Aotea te Waka 

Ko Ngāruahine te Iwi 

Ko Ngāti-hāua te Hapu

Ko Tawhitinui me Waiokura ōku Marae 

Ko Jim Comp tōku Matua 

Ko Hine Rauha Boylan tōku Whaea 

Ko Hayden Picard taku Tane

Ko Sara Picard rātou,  Ko Scott Picard, Ko Sophia ōku tamariki

No Taranaki ahau 

Ko Amaria tōku ingoa 

I am one of the foundation teachers at Amesbury and am loving the journey we are all taking together, to ensure the needs of our learners are met.  One of my passions is Te Ao Māori (Māori world) and I have oversight of our programme at Amesbury.  I want all tamariki (children) to investigate, explore and know their place in the Māori world and the wider world.  

My teaching journey started in Whanganui a number of years ago, before my husband and I moved to Wellington in 2001.  Prior to Amesbury, I taught at a primary school in Newlands for a number of years. I am also a member of the local Churton Park community.  

My husband and I have three tamariki (children) and we like spending time with our whānau in Whanganui or walking/riding scooters around Oriental Parade.  

Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.

