Amesbury Notices - 3 June 2024

By: John Murrihy | Posted Sunday June 2, 2024

Monday (3 June) is the King's Birthday Public Holiday and Tuesday (4 June) is a Teacher Only Day, so school will be next open on Wednesday 5 June.

Actions Needed:

  1. Send gear for Koru Swimming - Thursday 6 June
  2. Students to bring fancy dress for the school fun run on Monday 10th June
  3. Scholastic's Book Club online orders close on Friday 14 June
  4. Register interest in ICAS on the google form by Friday 21 June
  5. Link your New World club card to the school by adding your Club Card number to this form
  6. Search round home for egg cartons for our Term 2 Inquiry

What's on this week?

  • Kings Birthday: School Closed - Monday 3 June
  • Teacher Only Day: School Closed - Tuesday 4 June
  • Co-curricular lessons - Wednesday 5 & Friday 7 June
  • AGT: Heats Week 1 - Wednesday 5 & Thursday 6 June
  • Koru Swimming - Thursday 6 June
  • Year 5 Focus Group meeting - 5-6pm Thursday 6 June in Pōhutukawa Hub
  • Share and Celebrate - 2.15pm Friday 7 June

School Photos: Coming soon

Early advice that our annual school photo shoot will be on Tuesday 11 and Thursday 13 June.

Disco - Friday 21 June

Our Term 2 disco is scheduled for June, so preparations are well underway. All the important questions are answered here. After you've read that, scoot along to the school Kindo Shop and book your tickets and order pizza (so that you don't miss out on the night).

For this event to run smoothly, we need some parent help. If you are able to help with this event please can you fill in the Disco Parent Help Form - there are more details about the jobs that we need help with in the form itself.

Scholastic's Book Club - closing soon

The latest Scholastic's Book Club issue is now available to view and for placing orders.

Please read the details of the latest issue and follow the easy link to place your order.

Online orders close on Friday 14 June.

The Amesbury Hoodie - very popular

Samples are now on display at the office, so bring your tamariki in (or yourself, cos there's sizes for all) from 8.30 until 3.30pm to try sizes on before you buy because the hoodies are a different fit to the fleece, and exchanges will not be available for the wrong size ordered.

The Amesbury School hoodie will be priced at $63 from the 6th July, but for now we're offering a Term 2 Introductory Price of $60. Orders must be submitted via Kindo (no cash payment system is available).

Read all about it here.

Garden to Table - Guest Chef

Our own Garden to Table chefs were privileged to be joined by a professional chef this week, Taz McAuley from Food Envy, who imparted some inside tips and tricks.

If you want to see what Taz shared, what recipes our futures chefs have been cooking up, and to see all the chefs in action, please have a look here.

School Donations Information 2024

We ask for and receive donations from our Amesbury whānau.

The purpose of this article is is to advise what we use the donations for and to advise that any donations made to the school are eligible for tax credits.

Please take the time to read though this article to see the benefits for you and your tamariki (children).

Term 2 Inquiry Items

A huge thank you for all of the items that have been dropped off to school for our Term 2 inquiry.

All that we still need more of are egg cartons. If you have any spare please drop them off in the office. Thanks.

Kelly Club - Teacher Only Day - Tuesday 4 June

Image by: John Murrihy

Kelly Club

This coming week is Embrace our Earth Week!

I hope you are ready for all the fun we have planned - doing our own lolly dinosaur dig, making plant pots out of recycling, and of course doing some arts and crafts.

Image by: John Murrihy

Community Notices

Churton Park Community Newsletter

The latest Churton Park Community Newsletter is out and here's the link if you haven't already received a copy.

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