Impetigo - School Sores
By: Rachel Watson | Posted Tuesday October 18, 2016
Impetigo (also known as school sores) is a bacterial skin infection most common in children:
- it starts with blisters on exposed parts of the body, such as hands, legs and face
- the blisters burst and turn into a sore with a yellow crust that gets bigger each day
- the sores are itchy
- the sores spread easily to other parts of the skin
- school sores easily spread to other children and adults if they touch the sores
If your child is showing signs of having school sores:
Children should see a doctor for assessment and treatment. Careful cleaning of the sores and the use of antiseptic or antibiotic cream may be advised. Sometimes oral antibiotics are prescribed.
To reduce the chance of passing the infection to another person:
- Avoid close contact with others
- Children must stay away from school until crusts have dried out, at least a full 24 hours after treatment has started, or as advised by a doctor
- Use separate towels and flannels
- Change and launder clothes and linen daily
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