We really want to have a fun cultural community evening with as many different parts of the world represented, celebrated and enjoyed by you, your children, family and friends.
We're still looking for, and would love to include aspects of these, or any other cultures....
Australian, Middle Eastern, Dutch, Sri Lankan, Korean, Pacific Island, European, Greek, Filipino, British, Japanese, Irish, American, Kiwi...
Please let us know - are you, or someone you know ...?
AND .... It's a bit of a 'NZism' so we're thinking of having a 'Bring a Plate' table where we'll sell tasters of food from around the world for a gold coin donation.
You may ask, what do you mean - bring a plate? Well, we don’t mean ‘We don’t have enough plates for everyone to use, so bring one of your own’, we mean ‘Bring a portion of food for us to share …’ So if you have any favourite delicious culinary delights or refreshments that are specific to your culture, and can be easily served/sold in 'sample sizes' please bring them along. All we'll need is for you to let us know ahead of time if your dish requires heating or chilling and a note that tells us and the purchaser;
Living Globally: we change as we are exposed to new things - we adjust our world view - to be a successful global citizen you need to be open minded...