Hubs are open for students from 8:30am onwards. Prior to 8:30 teachers are preparing for the day and are not in hubs to supervise students. If students need to be at school before 8:30, Kelly Club operates a program of before school care. Please follow this link to find out more about Kelly Club. We do understand that occasionally students may arrive a few minutes before 8:30. In this case parents or caregivers need to stay with their child/ren until 8:30, as teachers are not supervising students at that time.
School starts at 9am. We strongly recommend that students arrive at school by 8:50am at the latest. This gives them time to sign in, stow their bag and read the 'What's On' which will tell them the timetable for the day. It can feel quite rushed and stressful for children if they don't have time to do all of this before the bell.
Once the bell goes teachers will be focused on settling students and beginning learning for the day. Teachers will be in the hubs from 8:30 - 9am, talking with students and available for a quick chat. However, it is quite a busy time, so for conversations that may be longer than a couple of minutes it is best to make a meeting time where the teacher can give you their undivided attention. We do ask that once the bell goes, teachers are left free to focus on students.
Warm regards,
The Amesbury team