Amesbury Notices - 6 May 2024

By: John Murrihy | Posted Sunday May 5, 2024

Actions Needed:

  1. Attend ICAS parent meeting 4pm on Thursday 23 May
  2. Sign up for Amesbury's Got Talent by 24 May
  3. Fill in Camp Consent Form by Friday 31 May 
  4. Scholastic's Book Club online orders close on Friday 14 June
  5. Register interest in ICAS on the google form by Friday 21 June
  6. Search round home for the items needed for our Term 2 Inquiry - see below for details

What's on this week?

  • Four-year-old Programme begins - 2-2.45pm Monday 6 May 
  • School Cross Country - Tuesday 7 May
  • Co-curricular lessons - Wednesday 8 & Friday 10 May
  • Board of Trustees Meeting - 5.30pm Wednesday 8 May 
  • Koru Swimming Begins - Thursday 9 May
  • School Cross Country (Years 4-6 Postponement Date) - Thursday 9 May
  • Share and Celebrate - 2.15pm Friday 10 May

NEW - Amesbury Hoodie!

For anyone who wants a hoodie as part of their school uniform, wait no longer. Plus there is an introductory price which is available until the end of Term 2.

Interested? Read more here.

Koru Swimming Begins - Thursday 9 May

Just a reminder to all Koru parents that swimming begins this Thursday (9 May)

Students need to bring togs, a towel and a swim cap, all in a named swimming bag. Goggles are also very useful, but not compulsory.

Year 5 and 6 camp at Teapot Valley in Nelson

This year in Week 7 of Term 4 (25- 29 November, 2024) the Year 5 and 6 students will be off to Nelson for camp week at Teapot Valley.

Jenny has sent out the details in a HERO post on 3 May - please read it if your child is in Years 5 or 6 - but the most important thing, at this stage, is to complete the Consent Form no later than Friday 31 May.

Sharing Time for Grandparents and wider Whānau

Save the date - 11.30am-1pm Tuesday 2 July

This is the date of our Term 2 Learning Celebration and we are using it as a sharing opportunity for grandparents and wider whānau as well as for parents.

Have a look at Urs's article to see the diverse range of activities planned, put the date in your calendar, and come along.

View your child's learning information on HERO

There is a lot of information on HERO which shows the progress your tamariki. Explaining how to find it and then understand it is the purpose of this article produced by Urs. Please take the time to read through the article and apply it to your tamariki. It will provide you with a treasure trove of information that will enable you to follow your child's progress at school.

ICAS Exams 2024

This year's ICAS exams are coming up next term, however, there are a few things to do this term if you are interested in entering your tamariki.

If you don't know what ICAS exams are and who they are for please read Jenny's article.

Dates to note:

  • Thursday 23 May 4-5pm - ICAS Exam Explanation Session
  • Friday 21 June - Last day for ICAS Registrations

Amesbury's Got Talent 2024

It's back for 2024!

Get preparing your item now to meet the following timetable:

  • Sign ups - close Friday 24 May
  • Heats - Weeks 6 & 7 (5-14 June)
  • Finals - 2pm on Friday 21 June

Scholastic's Book Club

The latest Scholastic's Book Club issue is now available to view and for placing orders.

Please read the details of the latest issue and follow the easy link to place your order.

Online orders close on Friday 14 June.

$5 Used Uniform Sale

If you are looking for some extra uniform items, we now have a sale on. Please note that these are mainly in smaller sizes.

Come into the office, have a look, and see Rachel with any of your queries or purchases.

Items for Term 2 Learning Inquiry Needed

Please collect the following items for our Term 2 inquiry learning:

  • Glass jars with lids (cleaned, and labels removed, please)
  • Egg cartons
  • Plastic milk bottles, rinsed out thoroughly
  • Kings seeds catalogues
  • Newspaper

Can you please bring them to the school office - we'll have containers out to collect them. Thanks so much.

This term we will be learning about the natural world, including exploring ecosystems and creating our own mini ecosystems. These items will help heaps!

Kelly Club

This coming week is all about celebrating the wonderful women in our life.

Join us while we make chocolate balls, special cards, make bath bombs and play games! It will be a week to remember.

Image by: John Murrihy

Kelly Sports in Term 2 - Starts this week

Image by: John Murrihy

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