What's on?
Board of Trustee Elections
Just a reminder that the School's Board of Trustees elections will be held during Term 2. More specific information will be provided from the beginning of the term.
In the meantime you are encouraged to think seriously whether you would like to contribute to your local community and school by standing for election.
Lost & Found
Please, please check photos for these items that may belong to your child, including:
If unclaimed by Monday 29th April, items will be donated to charity. Most days (other than statutory holidays) the office will be open during the school holidays but it would be best to phone first to arrange collection.
Community Notices
Churton Park Multicultural Fair 2019
A final reminder that the Churton Park Community Association is holding its Multicultural Fair on Saturday 20 April between 12-3 pm, at Amesbury School Hall. The programme is building fast, but they would still like to hear from people who could offer a short performance or an exhibit that celebrates their traditional culture. This could be through music, dance, food, costume or craft. Please send your ideas to brian.sheppard@icloud.com
This colourful event is fun for the whole family. It helps us to appreciate the richness of the cultural roots of our community and extends our spirit of neighbourliness to our new residents.
Below is a poster for EasySwim who will be providing swimming lessons in Term 2 for the school.
They are offering a free intro class for junior waterpolo and also free lessons for pre-schoolers.
NZ Games Festival: Level Up
Aimed at kids 10+, the NZ Games Festival: Level Up is providing a number of fun and educational events these school holidays.
The main goal of Level Up is to engage and inspire local kids to get involved with game development.
Check out the poster below. You can also visit nzgamesfest.com to see the full line-up of events.
Rippa Rugby
You tried it in Electives. If you want to continue playing it each Friday evening see the poster below and register your interest at http://www.sporty.co.nz/newlands.
Get Squashing!
Khandallah Squash Junior Night – coaching and games. Open to all ages 7 - 16 years (under 10s must bring a parent/ caregiver). Runs 5pm - 6.30pm Friday nights in terms 2 and 3, starting 3 May. Free first trial session, $5 casual fee per session, and Junior Club membership options are available. Drop down to Court 4, Khandallah Tennis and Squash Club, 55 Delhi Crescent, Khandallah. Supper and drinks available on site. Please contact Robyn on nicholl@xtra.co.nz for more information or just turn up.
Spiritus Dance Company
Lorna, who runs Leaping Lizards for kids, which is held in the Amesbury Hall, is also offering dance classes exclusively for adults from beginners to advanced.
If you maybe interested please read the flyer below.
Martinborough Maths Craft Day
Discover the maths behind craft and the craft behind maths at Martinborough Maths Craft Day, Sunday May 26 in The Town Hall at The Waihinga Centre.
Maths Craft is a not-for-profit initiative run by a team of academics at the University of Canterbury and the University of Auckland. Our aim is to bring maths to the masses by celebrating the links between mathematics and craft.
The day will feature a range of craft creation stations as well as public talks by mathematician crafters, and the day-long celebration of maths promises to engage people of all ages. Fold an origami octahedron, knit a mathematical knot, make a Möbius strip, colour a Latin square, flex a hexahexaflexagon, and listen to talks about the connections between maths and crafts.
Open to everyone: experts and amateurs, maths-fans and maths-phobes, the crafty and the curious.
Tots to Teens Magazine
The new April issue digital magazine is available here http://issue1904w.totstoteens.co.nz/
In this issue, we give parents the quick facts about the current measlesoutbreak. We also share a no-nonsense guide to screen time for kids: How much is okay? Diana Noonan pleads with parents to please keep reading to your kids, even as they get older, as the benefits are beyond convincing. And while we’re on that note, singing with your children connects the mind with the heart and the heart with the soul - so sing (we dare you)! If you love chocolate, then we have some super-healthy cacao recipes for lunchboxes and after-school snacks, and all the deets on why this wonder food is so good for us. We also cover off elimination diets, facing the braces journey, and take you on a truly New Zealand family adventure: Walking the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. We have plenty of prizes to win, holiday ideas to help entertain the children, and a kids’ fun page to enjoy.